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About the  Hearth


The Hearth of Brighid is an established study group which offers high quality teaching in a range of subjects related to traditionalist witchcraft. The group is informal and offers an opportunity to learn about interesting areas of magic such as astrology, meditation, ritual or divination, without the commitment of a formal coven setting. Working with us does not require a significant commitment - we meet once a month for study nights, and several times a year for seasonal workshops. Members do not have to attend every event, although we do ask that you attend regularly so that group energies can be built and maintained. We spend a lot of time outdoors where possible, however we also undertake temple ritual indoors depending on the purpose of our working. We work with the Land, the Spirits of the Land and the Ancestors, with members are encouraged to make their own connections to the Divine. The study group is part of a larger family of covens whose members have been practicing the craft in Wales for many years and decades. The study group is one way to get to know coven members, and for those seeking it petitioning to join the coven is possible after a period of time. From there on the training is a life's work, but it is more rewarding than you can begin to imagine. 

We are currently accepting new members into the study group – for more details see our facebook page or email

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